Thursday, November 28, 2019

Fireproof the movie

From the producers of Facing the Giants, Fireproof is a Christian drama film about a firefighter and his wife, married for seven years and on the brink of a divorce.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Fireproof the movie specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More They are engaged in a blame game on whose fault is it that their marriage is falling apart. Caleb’s father, Harris Malcolm, comes to their rescue by leading him on the Love Dare, a forty day journey of godly principles on how to win back the heart of a spouse. As Caleb embarks on this forty-day journey, Catherine on the other hand gets involved in an affair with a doctor at her workplace. Dr. Galvin Keller for the better part of the film remains unaware of Catherine’s marital status as she stopped wearing her ring, until one day Caleb confronts him after he learns of the affair. Caleb Holt, played by Kirk Cameroon, is a dedicated firefighter whose philosophy ‘Never leave your partner behind’ makes him a hero, saving people’s lives but seems to let his own marriage ‘burn to the ground’. His obsession with internet pornography obliviously deteriorates his marriage. Apparently, Catherine, Erin Bethea, feels like she has stopped being good enough for him. Catherine’s mistake of heading her friend’s ill advice complicates Caleb’s efforts to restore the marriage. The love dare directs Caleb to do some house chores, preparing dinner for his wife, solving his addiction to pornography among other daring acts. He comes to discover that he is the problem, not his wife. His double-standard lifestyle is brought to the light at some point in the movie, before his life comes to a turning point when he allows God to change him. Fireproof, a 2008 Sherwood pictures film, produced by Stephen Kendrick and directed by his brother and co-writer Alex Kendrick, is an informative movie worth watch ing. Alex also acts as the pastor at Caleb’s reaffirmation of vows at the end of the movie. The movie also stars Ken Bevel, Stephen Dervan, Eric Young, and Jason McLeod who are Caleb’s friends and fellow firefighters.Advertising Looking for assessment on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The movie received numerous negative reviews but made a big surprise by grossing over thirty three million dollars, becoming the highest grossing independent film of 2008 (Buss, 2009). The cast included mostly volunteers from the Sherwood Baptist Church in Alabama Georgia where shooting of the movie took place. Twelve thousand volunteers worked together to make this movie. Most of the facilities, which included the Albany fire department, a train used in one of the scenes among others were rendered free. The shooting and editing of the movie cost less than five hundred thousand dollars, below what most Hollywood blo ckbusters cost. My classmates would benefit if they watched the movie for they would know some of things that happen in marriage. The main theme is what it means to love a spouse unconditionally even if one is not getting anything in return. The movie fireproof generally uses a thematic approach because the roles of all the characters display the importance of the institution of marriage. Michael Simons’ marriage is flourishing in contrast to Caleb’s, which is on the rocks. Caleb’s parents have a wonderful marriage, which acts as an example for Caleb to emulate. Finally, the movie used a genre approach in that it is Christian, although it can be watched by anyone. This review in general and the movie specifically, is of subjective approach in that the characters’ feelings and perspective to live determine their way of life and circumstances surrounding them. Of writing a movie review, I learnt there are different approaches in movie review viz. subjective and objective. I did not use any vague phrases and cliques for I found this movie thrilling and informative. Reference Buss, D. (2009). What Christians Watch. The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved from This assessment on Fireproof the movie was written and submitted by user Kayson Johnson to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

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