Monday, December 30, 2019

Public Nudity And Public Sexuality - 2170 Words

As most of us understand, a large portion of the English speaking countries now claims themselves to be liberate among the public and this could be observed through the legal system they now possess. However, some resident still questions the system by evaluating the level of freedom of their actions. One of the few general hotly debated subjects of freedom is public nudity, where there are residents that totally reject this idea and there are others whom receive this as a part of the freedom of actions. Public nudity to some is how we humans are designed to be, it is the nature, and on the other hand the culture formed upon us believes nudity can be carried out only in private otherwise it is violation. And as more issues regarding public nudity arises from the society this topic is taken into account of the formation of new legislations, this action by the government is to protect the public from potential harm. However, public nudity has not always been a widely discussed topic du e to the religious nature these countries started on. The distinctive nature and history of a country will determine the type of legal structure and the legislations that create boundaries in public nudity actions. I have chosen three countries to research on, United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada. These are all English speaking countries but they hold relatively different legal structures and legislations on nudity. There are 53 member states, as well these 53 member states wereShow MoreRelatedJustifying Madonna s Work By Madonna2190 Words   |  9 Pageswas important for Madonna to show the world the meaning of being sexually free and being able to express sexuality without regards to the social norms. The music video Justify My Love by Madonna portrays Sexuality and Nudity in the hopes of creating a more open minding culture with regards to gender expression. 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