Friday, February 28, 2020

Project Jesus 1 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Project Jesus 1 - Assignment Example In both numbers and John, there are some similarities. Just as Moses lifted up the snake for those bitten to get healed, so Christ must be lifted that anyone who believe may get the eternal life The following traits are predicted about Messiah: Messiah would be like Moses, he would be the Lord God himself, he must shine from Galilee, must be from King David’s line of descendants, would be the son of God, would be born in Bethlehem and must suffer for mankind’s sake. The Holy Spirit role was to be the soul of the church and Christ’s body. He is with Christ, the head of the church, for each church member to unite them, and in the entire church in a perfect harmony. King is the most prominent feature since Messiah was born in the lineage of King David. The priest does not feature most since it was believed one could not be a king and a priest at the same time. Prophesy appears in few places where Christ’s acknowledges being a prophet. In the first coming, it is foretold that the Messiah will not be accepted, and the kings of the earth will plot against Him and those whom He anoints. Whereas in the second coming, it is foretold that the messiah will come back after the rapture and the restoration of Israel to judge both the good and evil. In addition, during his second coming people there will be only one religion and those who will refuse to worship him will get punished (Cox Jr.). 10. Using the evidence above, explain how Jesus could have known that He â€Å"must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders and the chief priests and the scribes, and be killed, and after three days rise again† (Mark 8:31, cf. 9:12; 10:32-34). He was declared by Jehovah as the only begotten son and given the decree over everything. As a prophet in his first coming, Jesus foretold His suffering at the hands of mankind and knew the will of God who sent Him to be fulfilled, and then He must go through suffering. Messiah means the one who has been anointed. Only

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