Monday, December 30, 2019

Public Nudity And Public Sexuality - 2170 Words

As most of us understand, a large portion of the English speaking countries now claims themselves to be liberate among the public and this could be observed through the legal system they now possess. However, some resident still questions the system by evaluating the level of freedom of their actions. One of the few general hotly debated subjects of freedom is public nudity, where there are residents that totally reject this idea and there are others whom receive this as a part of the freedom of actions. Public nudity to some is how we humans are designed to be, it is the nature, and on the other hand the culture formed upon us believes nudity can be carried out only in private otherwise it is violation. And as more issues regarding public nudity arises from the society this topic is taken into account of the formation of new legislations, this action by the government is to protect the public from potential harm. However, public nudity has not always been a widely discussed topic du e to the religious nature these countries started on. The distinctive nature and history of a country will determine the type of legal structure and the legislations that create boundaries in public nudity actions. I have chosen three countries to research on, United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada. These are all English speaking countries but they hold relatively different legal structures and legislations on nudity. There are 53 member states, as well these 53 member states wereShow MoreRelatedJustifying Madonna s Work By Madonna2190 Words   |  9 Pageswas important for Madonna to show the world the meaning of being sexually free and being able to express sexuality without regards to the social norms. The music video Justify My Love by Madonna portrays Sexuality and Nudity in the hopes of creating a more open minding culture with regards to gender expression. 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During the 1850s, Baudelaire’s poems were considered too sexually explicit and morally corrupt in French society under the leadership of Napoleon III un the SecondRead MoreThe Sexualization Of Women During Advertising Campaigns Affect The Young Generation Of 21st Century1685 Words   |  7 Pagesposted on a wall or on websites that we visit. Shock advertising or the term â€Å"shockvertising† is used to draw the public attention to deliberately make then stop and think about the advert they are seeing or have seen. This is where the controversy starts. For shock advertising to work effectively it has to display something that is distressful or disturbing so that the public will stop to look and think about at the advert. To become effective it would involve a questionable topic and would mostly

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Aztec Advancement to Herbal Medicine - 557 Words

The Aztecs made great advances in many areas. One of their accomplishments was herbal medicine. Aztec medicine was based on two areas which are spiritual healing and herbal healing. Many of the illnesses that affected the Aztecs were caused to religious reasons: an angry god, bad birth signs, or something to that effect. The first step of treating an illness was a prayer and/or sometimes animal sacrifices. After that, herbal medicine would be used. Today, many herbal medicines can be found in Central America. The Aztecs knew how herbal medicines would work. They concentrated on finding out what herbal medicine could do. The Aztecs also concentrated on curing the symptoms of an illness than finding the cause of the illness. They believed that if a god gave a person an illness, they cannot anything to cure that patient. According to Aztec legends, Well, if the gods want this man to suffer, they can make my herbs powerless. If the medicine works, it means that the gods wish for the pat ient to be relieved. This statement was used to make herbal medicine useful. The Aztecs used leeches to help patients to ease their pain. The Aztecs developed a writing system in which they used pictographs. Pictographs were simple pictures that were used as a form of writing. With pictographs, they wrote many codices. The codices were a book or manuscript (written documents). The codices talked about ceremonies, the ritual calendar, and information about the gods and the universe. TheseShow MoreRelatedNative Americans and Their Contributions to the Advancement of Health and Medicine934 Words   |  4 PagesNative Americans and Their Contributions to the Advancement of Health and Medicine Stories of Native Americans contributions to the advancement of health and medicine traces were discovered in a small town in Nali, Africa. The very first onset of the beggining of modern pharmacology is the substance called quinine. This is the substance that came from a bark of a tree that grew in high elevations. The Indians has been using this substance to cure malaria, cramps, chills, hear-rythm disordersRead MoreA Short Note On 25 / 2016 Mesoamerican Medicine1590 Words   |  7 PagesMesoamerican Medicine As the institutes across the world progress in the fields of medicine, they still advance in the same manner as the ancient civilizations of Mesoamerica. The outlook on medicine was made more scientifically relevant throughout each of the Mesoamerican civilizations, Mayan, Incan, and Aztec. Each tribe had a different view when it came to the topic of medicine, but for the most part they utilized herbal ingredients and other natural remedies. Today, when we think of medicine we picture

Friday, December 13, 2019

The first being 8,000 pounds disappearing from the East Jersey Treasury Free Essays

William Franklin, illegitimate son of Dr. Benjamin Franklin grew up almost entirely in England. It was there that he earned his Master’s degree from Oxford, got accepted to the bar and even married. We will write a custom essay sample on The first being 8,000 pounds disappearing from the East Jersey Treasury or any similar topic only for you Order Now He returned to America and 1763 and became Governor of New Jersey. Although William was well educated and a powerful administrator, the office of the Governor was losing power and although his first two years were mainly uneventful, several scandals paved the way for his demise. The first being 8,000 pounds disappearing from the East Jersey Treasury and the second being his refusal to dismiss the Treasurer. Both these acts began to lead for very ill feelings towards him. Still, Franklin stayed loyal to the British crown, which not only cost him in the eyes of the residents but also stopped him for receiving much needed military support. In 1774 people began to reject the royal government and when the revolution began he was nearly powerless in every way, to act against it. It was his loyalty to England that strained his relationship with his father, Dr. Benjamin Franklin. As William’s unpopularity grew, so his relationship failed. After the American Revolution began, he made his siding with the Loyalists well known and fought bitterly with his father about his decision to remain a loyal patriot. As the War progressed, this internal strife grew. In 1775 William and Benjamin parted ways, never to meet as friends again. With America’s opposition to Britain tightening, and now young Franklin’s motives being openly challenged, New Jersey took action. In 1776 the New Jersey Congress ordered Williams arrest and he was imprisoned until 1778 when he was exchanged. While imprisoned, William suffered both physically and emotionally. While on her deathbed George Washington wrote a letter to Congress asking that she be allowed to see William, but Benjamin did not weigh in, and the request was denied. After his release he stayed in New York for a brief period and served as president of the Board of Associated Loyalists, a pro-British party that conducted guerilla war against the colonies. Four years later Williams returned to England, never to come back to America again. It is said that he did reconcile with his father in 1784, but upon Benjamin Franklin’s death he left William virtually none of his wealth and only mentioned him in his autobiography is very indirectly and only to say they are on good standing. Dr. Franklin also makes the point that if had England had won the war, he would have no wealth to leave his son anyway. Some theorize that when William died in 1813, that he had reconciled with his father. Others say Benjamin did meet in England with William to â€Å"forgive and forget. † While history does prove this meeting, it does not prove any reconciliation and does state that Dr. Franklin slipped away on his last day, never saying goodbye to his son. How to cite The first being 8,000 pounds disappearing from the East Jersey Treasury, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Wild child vs nature and nurtu Essay Example For Students

Wild child vs nature and nurtu Essay The movie â€Å"Wild Child† is a movie based on a child left behind in the woods by his own parents in 1798. Attempted to kill the infant, but some how survived. And lived on his own from 4 or so to around 12. Then he was found by local resident who lived where the wild child survived at. And then taken in a â€Å"National instuted deaf care.† This delinquent relates to the phrase â€Å"nature vs. nurture.† The Wild child was taken in mistaken as a deaf child. Who also couldn’t talk. Commutates is his own form of language. He has a unknown behavior of his own. They came to the recollotion that he was abnormal from the other patients. The nurses had a hard time because he was behaving in a difficult behavior by not sleeping/staying in his own bed. Instead he crawled down below his bed and slept through the night. The other kids picked on him by group up and stomp on him. Which is sorta like you see in gang movies. Other example, he refuse to dress in the pr oper attire of there time period. The doctors from the institute brought him in physician for a examation. They discovered he was been abuse physically. With cuts and bruise covering all around his body. They found a scare and made a assumption it was given by his former nurturer. The scare was intended to kill the child. But some how, what other might classify in â€Å"act of god† and survived and live on his own way of surviving for a long period of time. The â€Å"Wild child† was taken out to the woods for a â€Å"play session†, He begins to climb up a tree and realized he can’t do it. This lead to his realization that he is a human being not a wild tree climber. The Doctor thoroughly examine he’s behavior. Searching to find different techniques to teach the young juvenile. By using â€Å"behaviorism†, he require him to learn in a secluded enviorment. There is different kinds of teaching a child to behave a certain way. The doctor was trying to instruct the child in everyday knowledge. For example if a child learns/folllow instruction, the child was rewarded positively. Also the instructor teaches how to speck and pronounce the â€Å"ABC†. He also made him to recognize different shaped objects. The â€Å"Wild child† tries to escape the deaf institute by running away. Finally realizing he was rather be at the institute where people given him support and caring. Then he went back institu te where he could now label it as home and the doctor took him in. Looking as same as the other children. He’s now out from the wilderness and into modernization. In the movie â€Å"The Wild child many difference shown in â€Å"Nature versus Nurture†. In nature the child was very independent, nobody supporter to nurture him. This is opposite being nurture because someone is taking care of you and give you support. This shows regardless of where you classified under, when people are placed in highly different diffultity to understand environments, they are likely to succeed. Work siteThompason, William E. â€Å"Society in Focus† Harper Collins College Publishersl; Ny: 1996.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Fireproof the movie

From the producers of Facing the Giants, Fireproof is a Christian drama film about a firefighter and his wife, married for seven years and on the brink of a divorce.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Fireproof the movie specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More They are engaged in a blame game on whose fault is it that their marriage is falling apart. Caleb’s father, Harris Malcolm, comes to their rescue by leading him on the Love Dare, a forty day journey of godly principles on how to win back the heart of a spouse. As Caleb embarks on this forty-day journey, Catherine on the other hand gets involved in an affair with a doctor at her workplace. Dr. Galvin Keller for the better part of the film remains unaware of Catherine’s marital status as she stopped wearing her ring, until one day Caleb confronts him after he learns of the affair. Caleb Holt, played by Kirk Cameroon, is a dedicated firefighter whose philosophy ‘Never leave your partner behind’ makes him a hero, saving people’s lives but seems to let his own marriage ‘burn to the ground’. His obsession with internet pornography obliviously deteriorates his marriage. Apparently, Catherine, Erin Bethea, feels like she has stopped being good enough for him. Catherine’s mistake of heading her friend’s ill advice complicates Caleb’s efforts to restore the marriage. The love dare directs Caleb to do some house chores, preparing dinner for his wife, solving his addiction to pornography among other daring acts. He comes to discover that he is the problem, not his wife. His double-standard lifestyle is brought to the light at some point in the movie, before his life comes to a turning point when he allows God to change him. Fireproof, a 2008 Sherwood pictures film, produced by Stephen Kendrick and directed by his brother and co-writer Alex Kendrick, is an informative movie worth watch ing. Alex also acts as the pastor at Caleb’s reaffirmation of vows at the end of the movie. The movie also stars Ken Bevel, Stephen Dervan, Eric Young, and Jason McLeod who are Caleb’s friends and fellow firefighters.Advertising Looking for assessment on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The movie received numerous negative reviews but made a big surprise by grossing over thirty three million dollars, becoming the highest grossing independent film of 2008 (Buss, 2009). The cast included mostly volunteers from the Sherwood Baptist Church in Alabama Georgia where shooting of the movie took place. Twelve thousand volunteers worked together to make this movie. Most of the facilities, which included the Albany fire department, a train used in one of the scenes among others were rendered free. The shooting and editing of the movie cost less than five hundred thousand dollars, below what most Hollywood blo ckbusters cost. My classmates would benefit if they watched the movie for they would know some of things that happen in marriage. The main theme is what it means to love a spouse unconditionally even if one is not getting anything in return. The movie fireproof generally uses a thematic approach because the roles of all the characters display the importance of the institution of marriage. Michael Simons’ marriage is flourishing in contrast to Caleb’s, which is on the rocks. Caleb’s parents have a wonderful marriage, which acts as an example for Caleb to emulate. Finally, the movie used a genre approach in that it is Christian, although it can be watched by anyone. This review in general and the movie specifically, is of subjective approach in that the characters’ feelings and perspective to live determine their way of life and circumstances surrounding them. Of writing a movie review, I learnt there are different approaches in movie review viz. subjective and objective. I did not use any vague phrases and cliques for I found this movie thrilling and informative. Reference Buss, D. (2009). What Christians Watch. The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved from This assessment on Fireproof the movie was written and submitted by user Kayson Johnson to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Monday, November 25, 2019

How Womens Heart Attack Symptoms Differ from Mens

How Women's Heart Attack Symptoms Differ from Men's Research by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) indicates that women often experience new or different physical symptoms as long as a month or more before experiencing heart attacks. Among the 515 women studied, 95% said they knew their symptoms were new or different a month or more before experiencing their heart attack, or Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI). The symptoms most commonly reported were unusual fatigue (70.6%), sleep disturbance (47.8%), and shortness of breath (42.1%). Many women never had chest pains Surprisingly, fewer than 30% reported having chest pain or discomfort prior to their heart attacks, and 43% reported have no chest pain during any phase of the attack. Most doctors, however, continue to consider chest pain as the most important heart attack symptom in both women and men. The 2003 NIH study, titled Womens Early Warning Symptoms of AMI, is one of the first to investigate womens experience with heart attacks, and how this experience differs from mens. Recognition of symptoms that provide an early indication of heart attack, either imminently or in the near future, is critical to forestalling or preventing the disease. In a NIH press release, Jean McSweeney, PhD, RN, Principal Investigator of the study at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences in Little Rock, said, Symptoms such as indigestion, sleep disturbances, or weakness in the arms, which many of us experience on a daily basis, were recognized by many women in the study as warning signals for AMI. Because there was considerable variability in the frequency and severity of symptoms, she added, we need to know at what point these symptoms help us predict a cardiac event. Womens symptoms not as predictable According to Patricia A.Grady, PhD, RN, Director of the NINR: Increasingly, it is evident that womens symptoms are not as predictable as mens. This study offers hope that both women and clinicians will realize the wide range of symptoms that can indicate heart attack. It is important not to miss the earliest possible opportunity to prevent or ease AMI, which is the number one cause of death in both women and men. The womens major symptoms prior to their heart attack included: Unusual fatigue - 70%Sleep disturbance - 48%Shortness of breath - 42%Indigestion - 39%Anxiety - 35% Major symptoms during the heart attack include: Shortness of breath - 58%Weakness - 55%Unusual fatigue - 43%Cold sweat - 39%Dizziness - 39% Related NIH research into heart attacks in women includes possible ethnic and racial differences.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

English class written assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

English class written assignment - Essay Example That would be the very reason for the challenges and goals I have set for myself, first and foremost, to finish my studies here at __________ University. Despite challenges like financial assistance, work and time management to balance all my activities, I am resolved to finish my course in four years and become a successful ______ in my own right. I know it is going to be a tough fight, but I believe this school will be a great contributor to my success, with its functional library, well trained professors, and other facilities and services offered enabling her students to be well founded in the endeavors they are undertaking. Whatever comes my way, I hope to always have the strength and courage to never quit for the realization of my dreams. As a student, stresses usually come from the demands of school and balancing the time needed in order to complete all tasks set every day. These factors could sometimes be very draining that one can just give up on his undertakings. To gardenin g, I am much grateful because it serves as my outlet for stress. Working the soil makes me appreciate its wonders in giving nourishment to plants. I like planting flowers most because of the beauty they possess that would always enamor most people.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

What does a baby need in order to give it a good start in life Essay

What does a baby need in order to give it a good start in life - Essay Example This essay looks at these essential needs of a baby, by way of gathering supportive evidence from the Ria and Flynn text book and from other relevant scholarly sources. One cannot overstate the fact that babies should be treated with utmost care. It is true that their scope of expression is very limited, but they are capable of feeling and showing basic human emotions of happiness, sadness. It is the responsibility of the caretakers of the baby to keep the baby happy at all times by suitably responding to its calls of distress. More importantly, the baby is capable of feeling whether it is truly loved or not. Only wholehearted expressions of love and affection from its caretakers will satisfy the child and help it grow into a psychologically healthy adult. The adage â€Å"spare the rod and spoil the child† is not backed by scientific evidence (Becker-Weidman, 2005). If anything, the evidence is contradictory to this assessment. Hence, caretakers should avoid corporal punishments to the child in the form of slapping, spanking, etc, as this could be detrimental to its healthy development. For example, â€Å"Punishing may make the undesirable behaviour look more attractive and thus add value to it. Further, punishment may just teach a child how not to get caught. When parents or other adults inflict painful punishment, the children who receive them would learn that administering pain to others is also alright. When children mould their behaviour as ways to avoid pain, they are likely to end up as self-centred and selfish adults†. (Kohn, 2000) Whoever the caretaker is – be it a parent, foster parent or a baby sitter, they should attend to every need of the baby. When the baby shares a close bond with the caretaker then the likelihood of attachment disorders are negated. When the baby’s needs are not being met consistently and if it develops a sense of loneliness as a result of it, then it is

Monday, November 18, 2019

LOCKE BY MICHAEL AYERS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

LOCKE BY MICHAEL AYERS - Essay Example Locke's view on the 'idea' itself center on the fact that he makes no distinction between the intellect and the imagination. Therefore, Locke stood to believe that the idea was a sensory image which is why many researchers refer to him as an imagist. Locke explains an idea as "Whatever it is, which the mind can be employed about thinking" (p. 45). As a result, many have concluded that Locke meant to leave the definition ambiguous, perhaps to allow individuals to make their own decisions. Others believe that Locke was following the same philosophical lines as Gassendi, who used the word in a more fantastical theoretical framework. However, this conclusion is challenged, give the fact that Locke rarely used the words fantasy or fancy when discussing ideas. Yet Locke strongly encouraged people to refrain from thinking that their interpretation of objects and ideas were exactly as they appeared outside of the mind. He draws on the idea of the memory as a place to save, in a way, ideas, though, again, they are not perfect representations. Ayers uses the analogy of a bird and a song to explain this point. If the bird hears a song and then produces it the next day, people may tend to say the bird memorized the song. Locke would say that the bird saved the song in its mind to use to compare the song he is singing. Likewise, children think when they have something to think about. They produce their own mental images, but these images are not exactly like those they see. Thus, Locke's idea is a sensation that is saved through retention in the mind. Ayers claims that Locke was reluctant to apply any intellectual activity to these sensations. He did not separate the imagist mind from a higher, intellectual mind. He never saw a reason to do this, unlike other philosophers. Of course Locke recognized the existence of wit, judgment, wisdom, and madness but only in terms of what the person did with his existing ideas. Descartes and Locke debated the idea of separating conceiving an idea and imagining an idea as either the same or separate functions. Descartes argued that one can conceive of a particular shape but not image it since he does not know exactly what it looks like. Locke countered with the argument that if one can reason about the number of sides and lengths of the shape, we can imagine it from those existing ideas. Ayers concludes that this is an argument against not only Descartes but also the Cartesian views. Ayers notes that in Locke's discussion of abstract ideas, he seems to contradict himself. He says that ideas such as jealousy and lies cannot be imagined by the mind. This seems to suggest that Locke did recognize other conceptions of the mind. Locke later explained that these abstract concepts were ideas "partially considered" (Ayers, p. 49). Ayers final argument here in considering Locke an imagist lies within the idea of an intuition of universal truth or a priori knowledge. Ayers explains this idea using diagrams. He says that philosophers like Descartes say that understanding diagrams, charts, etc. occurs because of higher intellectual processes in the mind. Locke argues that these ideas on paper are representations or copies of what already exists in the mind. For example, a line or angle is something

Friday, November 15, 2019

A Film Evaluation V For Vendetta English Literature Essay

A Film Evaluation V For Vendetta English Literature Essay V for Vendetta depicts the message of political action and tells the audience it could soon happen to their government one day if they allow it to take control and not take a stand against their government. There are a lot of scenes throughout this film that depicts this message. The plot of V for Vendetta is an interesting story. The film takes place in Great Britain, which does not have the same form of Government that we do in America. Although it does not have the same government, it exposes lessons about the United States Constitution. Remember, remember the Fifth of November, says a man that goes by the name of V, who is preparing to destroy parliament over the Gunpowder Plot. Director James McTeigue portrays in his film, V for Vendetta, the corruption of Great Britains totalitarian Government and a freedom fighter who is wanting to bring them down. Chancellor Adam Sutler (John Hurt) takes over in power and puts fear into his citizens to make sure that they know who is in charge and that it is they, who can only protect them. Hugo Weaving who plays the main character, V, sends out a message to Londons citizen and tells them to stand up against their Government and to not be afraid. Prior to sending out his message on live television, many killings had occurred with the Doctors who were involved at a detention center that William Rookwood was in before he changed his name to V. He sought revenge for what the Doctors did to him and thousands of other innocent people, and he sought to bring justice back to Great Britain. Along the way of Vs plans, he comes across a young woman, Evey Hammond, walking the streets after curfew and two men decide to attack her for disobeying the rules. Of course V saves her and without realizing it, Evey Hammond will soon become his collaborator. Inspector Finch played by Stephen Rea is assigned by the Chancellor to take V down for the terrorist things he has done and before he does more to panic the Chancellors country. After V took over the television station and footage of him was collected by Inspector Finch, the inspector learned for sure that Evey Hammond and V were working together. Inspector Finch was determined to take down V to save his job. As he tries to take down V, he comes across all these questions and mysteries that Vs actions reveal, and he soon start to question his own countrys Government. Many questions appear, are Vs actions constitutional? Is he or is he not a terrorist? V in general is very controversial. James McTeigue is a director who likes to weave politics into his films. The first thing he portrays in the film is terrorism. In V for Vendetta the first thing audiences will notice is that Vs actions are both like a terrorist and like a freedom fighter fighting for Great Britains freedom from a totalitarian government. Killing high government officials and blowing up historical buildings is an act of a terrorist. When the twin towers in New York was brought down by a group of terrorist, many of the U.S. citizens wanted vengeance for their destruction and we went to war are still currently at war in Iraq, but Vs actions might not be like those terrorists. The Old Bailey is the first building V destroys, and it was where major criminal cases happened in Great Britain. There was no justice in the Old Bailey. The Old Bailey was also a historical building, so blowing up this building meant justice and getting rid of the old regime. Vs actions communicate his beliefs, so his actions also teach us about the First Amendment. Freedom of speech could be applied to V. However, with all rules, there are limits to citizens freedom, so Vs ways of communication may be questionable and not protected by freedom of speech. Another lesson in the film is civil liberties. With Chancellor Adam Sutler in power, he has taken all civil liberties from his citizen and replaced them with fear and allowing the government officials to spy on whomever and whenever they want without a warrant. If this happened to the United States, it would violate the Forth Amendment, which gives the right to privacy. In his message on television, V said, Fear got the best of you, and in your panic you turned to the now high chancellor, Adam Sutler. He promised you order, he promised you peace, and all he demanded in return was your silent, obedient consent. This quote shows that Vs mission is to awaken the London citizens and stand up against this cruel Chancellor and other political officials, and take back the peoples right to privacy and other rights. A third lesson is about cruel and unusual punishment. The Eighth Amendment prohibits cruel and unusual punishment and If the Eighth Amendment was a part of Great Britains Government, then it would be broken by Eveys torture which she thought was by the Government. Evey Hammond is found at Gordons home and is captured for questioning. She never reveals any secrets of V and refuses to give answers. She chose to go through the torture and beatings even though she could have given up at any time. Here is example of cruel and unusual punishment from Eveys imprisonment: Interrogator: I am instructed to inform you that you have been convicted by special tribunal and that unless you are ready to offer your cooperation you are to be executed. Do you understand what Im telling you? Evey Hammond: Yes. Interrogator: Are you ready to cooperate? Evey Hammond: No. Interrogator: Very well. Escort Ms. Hammond back to her cell. Arrange a detail of six men and take her out behind the chemical shed and shoot her. The scenes of Eveys captivity and the scenes of the young woman pictured in the letter that Evey finds in the wall, gives a crucial image of what Londons citizens went through. The United States Eighth Amendment would be broken by these scenes. These scenes make us aware that our own government can soon become a totalitarian government just like In the film, if we the citizens allow the government to take over and let them make our choices, we the people, will suffer cruel and unusual punishment. The final lesson in the movie is the positive thing citizens can do to save the world. Although V was violent, his actions were good because it did a lot to free Londons citizens from a corrupted Government. He inspired people, got them to rise against their government and to not be afraid. V was a man who stood up and never backed down. V was said to be an idea, believing he could make a difference, someone to remember, Remember, remember the Fifth of November. With this line being repeated through the movie, I have learned this line comes from the Bonfire Prayer, which every Fifth of November, the poem is recited and is declared Guy Fawkes day in England. When the day finally came of the explosion of the Gunpowder Plot, V passed away and passed his plan on to Evey allowing her to have the choice of the freedom of the country or to continue suffering in totalitarian government. She chose to continue Vs plan, causing a domino effect. Another scene in the movie is when V creates the d omino image of his symbol and pushes the first domino over. V is the first domino. Then the ripple effect that is created represents everyone. V is every one of us says Evey to Inspector Finch while watching the explosion. The last domino that is standing is Evey, who controls the next ripple effect. This shows that everyone can be a part of something that could make a difference in the world. Not just making a small change but a big change by influencing the people around you, socially and politically. The fact that director McTeigue created this film in England does not mean it is only relating it to the citizens of England because it can also relate to the citizens of the United States. V for Vendetta depict the message of political action and tells the audience it could soon happen to their government one day if they allow them to take control and not take a stand against their government. V teaches that people should not let fear overcome them and they should stand up for their rights and make a change in society. Everyone is a part of change, from a child to a high class government official. There are a lot of scenes throughout this film that depict this message. If people are not loud and do not stand up to the government, the United States could one day turn into a totalitarian government like in V.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Creation Of The Constitution :: The Constitution

In creating the Constitution, the states had several different reactions, including a rather defensive reaction, but also an understanding reaction. As a document that provided the laws of the land and the rights of its people. It directs its attention to the many problems in this country; it offered quite a challenge because the document lent itself to several views and interpretations, depending upon the individual reading it. It is clear that the founders’ perspectives as white, wealthy or elite class, American citizens would play a role in the creation and implementation of The Constitution. On further analysis, most of the issues within the document were due to vast cultural, racial, and economic lifestyles that our country did and will continue to support, as unintentional as it may be. This document lessened some of those issues and attempted to accommodate the requests of all states. However, Elitist framers manipulated the idea of a constitution in order to protect their economic interests and the interests of their fellow white land and slave owning men' by restricting the voices of women, slaves, indentured servants and others. The Constitution that was created had a strong central government and weaker state governments. Under the Constitution, Congress was given the power to levy taxes, regulate trade between the states, raise an army, control interstate commerce, and more. A three-branch government was established in which a judicial branch handled disputes in a federal court system, a President headed an executive branch, and a legislative branch. Conversely, the anti-federalists believed in weak central and strong state governments, as the way it was in The Articles of Confederation and believed in strict adherence to the writings of the constitution. Furthermore, the creation of The Constitution caused much debate between the elite and democratic states because they thought that if the Government got all of the power, they would lose their rights. The conflict between the North and South played a major role in the development of this document. The North felt that representation in Congress should be based on the number of total people and South felt that it should be based on number of whites. However, The Three Fifths Compromise settled this when it was said a slave will count as 3/5 of a free person of representatives and taxation. Article one section two of the Constitution defines how the population will be counted, obviously there was a strong opposition to this by Southern states like Virginia because their economy was based on slave labor and they had a bigger population because of it.